FWB City Council Candidates
Each of the thirteen candidates for the 2023 City Council were provided an opportunity to respond to an online candidate questionnaire consisting of eighteen questions. Each candidate was asked the same questions and all thirteen candidates responded to the questionnaire. The responses provided below are presented exactly as they were submitted. The only exception is where the words "No answer provided" are found. This indicates that the candidate did not provide a response to that question. The responses have been formatted for presentation on this web page but otherwise no editorial markup has been made.
Candidate Name: Brandon Bishop
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
14 years
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
email, or text
What is your current occupation or employer?
Army Navy Store
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
i have done ministries in the nursing homes, and children in crises event, i've done numerous ride alonds with the polce department to see what all they face, i work in my churches kids church and also an involved in the music
Why are you running for this office?
i want to give back to the community, because it has done a lot for my families business
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
business owner, teamwork, and social skills
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
No answer provided.
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
anything to lower taxes, also i would listen to the citizens of fort walton beach
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
for tourest it a great place to vacaton, and relax, as a citizen, it's a place i want to raise my family, and run my business
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
should not really be friends, they should work together, but not be buddy, buddy, get stuff accomblish to make fort walton beach even greater
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
i love the direction, i would change the 98 plan
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
it's great exept i would not go around the mound, because i believe it will hurt the downtown store, from tourest driving through downtown to see or stop at
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
No answer provided
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
fundraisers are great, also make a section in the public libary to sell items such as book marks, book lights, etc.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
no, because i believe it will hurt the downtown store, from tourest driving through downtown to see or stop at
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
no, put on events or rentals for the city to make money
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
somewhat important, you can put out displays downtown, with markers of who all started fort walton beach and how it came in existance
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
My vision to give the extraordinary citizens a representative who will actually hear their voices; make Fort Walton Beach a better place for workers to work, a place where businesses can flourish, a place that is safe for our children to play, and a place for families to to be proud to call home.
Candidate Name: Gloria DeBerry
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
53 years
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
850-904-6474 please leave text message gjdeberry@cox.net
What is your current occupation or employer?
retired RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist in critical care/OR/ER; Subject Matter Expert (SME), business consultant throughout the world
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
Nurse Advocate for seniors, patients, and local residents who do not know how or are afraid to address the FWB City Council and County Commissioners; Chair of the FWB Local Planning Agency, Center for Lifelong Learning Board of Directors,; United Way RSVP Advisory Board; Silver Sands SAC Advisory Board: Mattie Kelly Theater of Fine Arts - Usher 30 years; Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation Volunteer 27 years; Noerthwest Florida Symphony Guild Board; AND MORE
Why are you running for this office?
The City of FWB recently lost most of its leadership within a short two-month period:: City Manager, Chief of Staff, Public Relations, Fire Chief Perkins, several firefighters, Chief Financial Officer, and more. Jeff Peters, Director of Parks and Recreation of 17 years in interim City Managers and states he wants to be the next FWB City Manager. After talking with several of the remaining city staff last December, I found the morale to be very low with the uncertainty of who will fill the above-vacated positions. I am concerned about Jeff Peters taking on the position of City manager. He assumed the position of Parks and Recreation Director 17 years ago when his father, Gene Peters retired from this position. Jeff was under the tutelage of the previous City Manager, Michael Beedie. whose attitude toward a budget is ''I want the money. I don't want to be told how to spend it.'' The majority of the present City Council usually votes to give whatever the City Manager requests. I am a nosey and curious ''critical thinker'' and known to solve problems. The City of FWB needs help and I know I can help them
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
I am nosey, curious, tenacious, and a fighter to do the right thing for the residents as well as the city.
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
Working with the DOT to rebuild the Brooks Bridge and to provide much-needed underground utilities for the streets affected by the bridge renovations. Negotiating with companies to bring their business and expertise to the Commerce and Technology Park on Anchors Street.
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
To work with the City management and Fire Department to work within their budget and remove the fire assessment fee. Public Safety for ALL.
Transparency of records and how the taxpayers' money is spent. No SHELL game! Limit the $60K consultants and listen to knowledgeable and experienced business people and residents.Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
A small city of Paradise.
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
Michael Beedie, previous city manager, had the majority of the current city council in the palm of his hand. It was a ''play well-rehearsed'' when the time came to vote on costly decisions such as selling, under appraised value, Parsada Hall to Billy Bowlegs, then a week later Mr. Beedie was inducted into Billy Bowleegs. The relationship [ between Interim City Manager Jeff Peters, appears to be congenial (could this be the ''courting period'')?
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
It appears the City's '' Around the Mound'' initiative is meant to improve the Landing's activities by building a music venue with an amphitheater for bands/orchestra, etc., enlarging the playground, and updating the museum to provide a pleasant area to attract visitors to enjoy events utilizing CRA funds. The downtown Brooks Street Association has revived to engage downtown businesses to become involved in providing events and entertainment for visitors.. My vision is to make downtown Brooks Street a one-way pedestrian street. Encourage the business to make their main entrance facing Brooks Street while maintaining a Miracle Strip Pkwy (hwy 98) entrance. I would encourage the downtown businesses to continue to grow their products, open their doors, and welcome the residents as well as the visitors. The city NEEDS more parking spaces for expected downtown activities. I envision Fort Walton Beach as a place to relax and enjoy what nature has to offer much like Fairhope, AL
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
I had to research the City's current website to find the ''Master Plan'' of developing a'' living shoreline, kayak launch, upgraded seawall and boardwalk, a new stage, a splash pad, new bathrooms and upgraded ... conducted by FDOT''. Each meeting I attended where the Master Plan was mentioned, the Plan changed. My thoughts are the City wants to design a lovely, entertaining STOPPING place for visitors and residents to come for entertainment rather than being ''a pass-through from Pensacola to Destin''. The City has ignored or forgotten the hidden jewels the rest of Fort Walton Beach has to offer Ie, Stagecrafters plays and other events at the FWB Municipal Auditorium, the FWB Golf Course, The FWB pickle ball courts, Cinco Bayou and Garniers Beaches, and more.
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
$53M and change
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
Yes. If more funds are needed have the new CRA Director write more grants and request more TDC and CRA funds.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
My understanding of the Around the mound project in its current form is to be funded by CRA and TDC and NOT taxpayers money. If this IS TRUE, yes, I support the project in its current form.
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
Only if the proposed buyers keep the land in FWB and the price is CONSISTENT WITH LOCAL REAL ESTATE VALUES!
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
It is important to preserve the history of our community. If we do not know how our city came to be, how will we know where we want to go? The Indian Mound Museum, the old School House, and Gulfview Hotel aka FWB Visitor's Buereu, are excellent venues to place historical facts.
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
I am nosey, curious, tenacious, and a fighting advocate for our residents, taxpayers, city staff, and council working together to preserve our community.
Candidate Name: Ryan Hartman
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
I was born and raised here in Fort Walton Beach and have lived here for 38 years.
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
The best way is via email at rhartmanFWBCC@gmail.com
What is your current occupation or employer?
I work at A World of Signs as an installation specialist.
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
While I am not currently involved with any organizations I am always available to help out when called upon. For example when Meigs Middle School needed their new ''Meigs Wildcats'' letters installed on their gym, I volunteered my time to put them up. Additionally I frequently volunteer to chaperone field trips at my children's schools.
Why are you running for this office?
I am running for city council because as a Fort Walton Beach native I feel it is my time to do my part to give back to the city that has given me so much. I want to make sure Fort Walton Beach continues its legacy of being a wonderful place for families to live, businesses to operate, and tourists to visit.
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
I am a great problem solver. When presented with a task, challenge, or obstacle I gather as much information in order to resolve the issue in the most efficient way possible. Another quality I possess is leadership itself comes naturally to me. People find it easy to be guided by me due to my and charismatic personality and my ability to clearly convey objectives and procedures while working towards the completion of goal. I have been an element leader in basic training, class leader in Air Force Technical Training school and Airman Leadership School, and shift leader during my 5 years in the emergency room at Keesler Air Force Base. Additionally, part of having natural leadership qualities is knowing how to take suggestions and criticisms from my team members without becoming angry or resentful. Most importantly I am an exceptional listener. As a medic in the Air Force I spent six years honing this skill. Being able to understand people when they approach you with an idea or problem, empathize and take them seriously, was a crucial tenet of my job and something I have carried on in my personal and professional life.
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
The top initiatives for the city in the last 3-5 years are the downtown master plan and the around the mound plan. Rerouting and improving the traffic flow in our most congested area will be a major quality of life improvement for our residents and visitors. Likewise transforming our downtown into a truly walkable area with great outdoor spaces, shops, and the expansion of our historical center will help to highlight Fort Walton as a sparkling jewel along the Emerald Coast.
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
We need to bolster and encourage current business to stay and work within the City and incentivize new business to open up shop within our borders. We also need to support our police and fire departments and make sure they have the necessary equipment, personnel, training, and support from the city to provide our city with unrivaled service.
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
As someone who was born and raised here and had birthdays in Liza Jackson Park, learned to swim at the YMCA, spent countless hours in our waterways, waved my hands at the Billy Bowlegs parade so long my arms got tired, and then had to carry all the beads and candy home afterwards, and made lifelong friends in our schools. Fort Walton Beach is truly a special place. We are a community where everybody is always willing to help their neighbor. We are a community that if one of us needs something it doesn’t take long to have a coalition of friendly and helpful volunteers ready to lend a hand. We are a community that takes pride in supporting our military, police, fire department, EMS, and other public servants. We are a community that likes to have fun. We dance at a concerts at the landing, or score goals and hit home runs at the Preston Hood Athletic Complex and we run all over the City in the numerous 5k events throughout the year. Most importantly we are a community that values how fortunate we are to call Fort Walton Beach home.
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
The role of the city manger should be to carry out the directives of the city council. Directives such as coordinating city development projects, making sure city services operate as planned and are accessible by our citizens, and being a prominent face to our city employees, citizens, charities and other various civic organizations. They should also advise the council on various issues but they should not be the only point of decision making information to the council.
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
Our city is headed in an exciting direction! With many projects coming online in the future such as the Downtown Master Plan / Around the Mound projects, the expansion of the Preston Hood Athletic Complex and many others they will continue to add qualify of life upgrades to our residents. I will support these, and other efforts, by keeping the public engaged with the statuses of these projects and reinforcing the benefits to our community once they are completed. This will be especially important to the Downtown Master Plan / Around the Mound projects as they will take many years to complete.
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
With the realignment of highway 98 away from downtown this allows our city to create what I think could truly be our City’s crown jewel. The ability to have a true walkable downtown space with clean and green outdoor areas for events, exercise, and relaxing, fabulous retail stores, tasty restaurants, and a prideful historic center will only help Fort Walton Beach stand out as the best city in Northwest Florida!
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
The City's FY 2022-23 budget is $56,767,451.
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
I believe our budget is sufficient to carry out the goals of our city. We’re focusing more energy on improving the city’s workforce through numerous employee incentives such as pay increases and restructured bonus scales. Construction on the expansion of the Preston Hood Athletic Complex should be starting soon and we are working on acquisition of additional nearby property to expand parking. In FY 22-23 we introduced new pay scales for Fire and Police Departments to allow the City to remain competitive for recruitment and retention of Firefighters and Police Officers.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
Yes, I support the Around the Mound project. Improving the flow of traffic in our downtown area is something that has been needed for a long time. This area is no longer an off the beaten path beach town it once was and our roads and infrastructure needs to reflect that.
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
Yes, so long as that land would not be needed for future civic projects or would not be a detriment to our residents.
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
Preserving the history of our city is important. Showcasing the historical events, people, and progress of Fort Walton adds value to our community and provides residents and visitors alike to take interest in our city.
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
Voters should elect me if they want someone who will make good rational decisions, listen to input from our residents and businesses, and have a councilman who will be enthusiastic about their job!
Candidate Name: Jason Harwell
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
Roughly 15 years
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
Text or call (850) 737-3131
What is your current occupation or employer?
Lead instructor/Manager for Sandcastle Rockstars
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
With a felony conviction(now pardoned) I fought the school district as a parent to have a right to volunteer and be a part of my child's educational development. Due to my efforts of wanting to be involved the district implemented an appeals process which was not in existence prior. I was the first one to go through this appeal and won. Not only was it a self victory it was a victory for so many others, it gives individuals who have made mistakes in their past the opportunity to move forward, break the cycle and be involved in their child's educational development by volunteering at the school, and chaperoning.
I am also the founder of Erase The Trace Okaloosa an Environmental Community Action Group. Through this organization we have implemented many projects and opportunities. Not only am I the founder I am the director and manage every aspect. Through this organization we have held numerous cleanups from small to large scale throughout the county. A more localized notable one is the homeless encampment on Robinwood where we partnered with the city and the police department. We have the storm drain mural project happening downtown, that is in partnership with the FWB Cultural Arts league, CRA and the City itself. We have held adopt a family Christmas programs for the past 2 years. If you visit the beach accesses on Okaloosa Island you will see borrow bins where individuals can donate reusable Beach items to prevent them from becoming microplastics or just thrown in the garbage. A new Boardwalk may be coming to the community of Seabreeze, a task order has been put in for funding to legislator. After the homeless encampment clean up I petitioned the city to turn the area into a Green Space for multi purpose use.
What have I done personally in our community to make a difference?The short answer. Lead the charge!
Why are you running for this office?
To serve the Citizens.
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
-Resilient. I'm from the other side of the tracks, absent parents, raised in Foster care. I come from a place where you're not meant to survive let alone succeed. Through my resilience I have overcome the challenges, obstacles and everything in between life has thrown at me and I'm still standing, still fighting, still advocating and still leading by example.
-Integrity. Coming up poor you never really place the value on a dollar. You're grateful for what you have. I have never been bought, I value relationships over money, I value communication, understanding and the principles of what is right. Loyalty, a word that is lost on many but something that is so valuable once earned. I am loyal to myself, my family, this community and my integrity cannot be broken.
-Understanding. I believe it's important not to just listen but listen with understanding. Being open to other opinions even if they don't align with yours. listen to the struggle, hear the pain understand the reason, examine the facts and evidence and let that be the driving Factor.
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
- Implementation of the Downtown Master Plan (including Around the Mound)
- Enhancing Public Safety (includes Fire, Police & Code Enforcement)
- Enhancing Recreational Amenities (Landing & Preston Hood Athletic Complex Expansion)What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
- Environmental and litter control.
- Initiatives geared towards families.
- Enhance Outreach programs and accessibility to resources desperately needed.Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
I would describe Fort Walton Beach as a blooming Paradise with potential. It is overall safe with plenty of outdoor recreational activities. The community members are welcoming
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
I'm not sure I completely understand this question. The relationship between the city manager and the city council should be one that coexist simultaneously. The city manager is the eyes and ears in the department making sure daily operations go as they should, items are presented, ordinances and policies enforced. The council is the ultimate Authority with a final discretion on any direction the city heads. The manager makes recommendations, presents items and the council takes that into consideration among all other facts and evidence that pertain. The relationship should be one that respects each other's positions, Authority and obligation.
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
I would describe the cities current direction as attraction and growth. The direction I see the city heading is trying to attract not only individuals to come and stay but also visit, enjoy and go home. A direction of growth by redeveloping, upgrading common areas and green spaces to make it more family oriented and appealing to businesses, sports leagues and others who are looking to invest.
I feel the city is moving in a direction of maturing and is on the path to become known as a great destination instead of a place you stop to use the bathroom on your way to Destin.
What would I do to enhance or change the direction?
Revisualize and reimagine ways to improve quality of life while retaining our freedoms."
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
A breath of fresh air to a fading downtown.
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
One would hope so but I do recall concern at prior meetings in regards to funds and projects. I won't pretend that I know every detail or that am well versed in the city's budget and how it's dispersed. But depending on the issue and the goal trying to be reached Maybe the funds could be secured in a roundabout way through grants, fundraising, auctions and if need be the sale of Surplus land that has been evaluated but only after it has been deemed more beneficial to the citizens to be sold then retained.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
I currently have no objections. On the surface as presented it seems like a very good idea. I support the concept and around the mound project due to the redirection of heavy highway traffic around our downtown area. In doing so it will make our downtown more user friendly, more accessible and more of a place to stop to enjoy then a pass through. Meaning more money will be spent locally.
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
Personally I would like to hold on to any property owned by the city unless the benefits to the citizens outweigh the need to retain it. However I would be in favor of possibility selling Surplus property after reviewing all information available in favor or against including public opinion.
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
One's history is one's identity and it is important not only to preserve but understand it. I feel it very important to preserve our communities history and its Legacies. More Interactive, more engaging activities for all ages. Mobile museums, knowledge is power and if you're not able to bring the people to the museum take the museum to the people. The children, get them engaged at an early age. Take the museum to them, in their classroom. Show items, tell stories. The best way to preserve our communities history is to get the community engaged to help write it.
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
I don't chase change. I create it while chasing dreams. If you want more of the same, place your vote elsewhere but if you're ready for what you deserve then vote Jason Harwell on March 14th.
Candidate Name: Amy Jamieson
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
30 years
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
-Cell phone- 850-240-4669 or email dreams@gnt.net
What is your current occupation or employer?
Real Estate Broker
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?I finished my second term as a city council member in March of 2021. I currently serve on the Fort Walton Beach Fire Department Pension Board and have continued to attend almost every council meeting as a citizen since I termed out. My goal has been to stay informed of all decisions that have been made or are in the planning stage. While a councilman, I was appointed by my fellow councilmen to represent them on the Transportation Planning Organization of Okaloosa/ Walton. I served as chairman and vice chair on this committee. When my council seat was up, I then served on the Citizen’s T.P.O.For many years I have advocated for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and have been asked to speak at numerous engagements to educate our community on the dangers of impaired driving. I have given my testimony, having lost my son to a drunk driver, to offenders at Victim Impact Panels for adults and to juveniles on probation at the Department of Justice on how their choices impact not only themselves but others. In addition, I serve on the Community Safety Traffic Team for Okaloosa County.I serve on the Board of Directors for the Fort Walton Beach Fire Department Pension BoardCitizens Advisory Committee for the Transportation Planning Organization for Okaloosa/Walton CountiesMother’s Against Drunk DrivingCommunity Traffic Safety Team for Okaloosa CountyFort Walton Beach Town Hall MeetingsHurlburt Field Chapel Advisory CouncilWhy are you running for this office?I found a new love for our city as a former city council member from April 2013 to March 2021, I saw so much more of what our community is about. First major decision/change while on council was for our recreation department with the consolidation of facilities and what followed since completion of the building, watching that take off and all the citizens, big and small just explode and grow with many opportunities to take advantage of. This has made me so proud to see all the citizens of every age enjoy the many recreation options. Many large projects that are still in the planning stage that started while I served on council still need to be moved forward and or needing change. I am in the community and hear the needs of it’s citizens and want to continue to take their voices to the dais. This community has given so much to me over the past 31 years and I would like to continue to give back to this community. Another goal is wanting to continue making this city great to have my child/grandchildren along with yours, remain here and live in this community.What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?1. I started my leadership training with the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors as an attendee of their leadership development class, then moved into the leadership chair for several years. 2. Started a local chapter of Mother’s Against Drunk Driving and have been the President or Lead person for the past 25 years. 3. In addition, while I was on City Council, I achieved the first for the county with taking all 4 Institute of Elected Municipal Officer classes offered through the Florida League of Cities Training/Learning opportunities for Elected Officials. 4. Have sat on numerous Board of Directors for the city, county and state. 5. Have chaired and vice chaired numerous committees and boards.List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:I feel one it will be a huge benefit to the city is the new Freedom Beacon Park. The developer was granted a lease through the Air Force and wanting to be a part of Fort Walton Beach, went through the process of annexing into the city limits. This new park will have many amenities and will be another destination for the city.A hard decision was the Brooks Bridge replacement. This bridge is in dire need of being replaced and prior councils have kicked this project down the road. While I was on council, the sitting council voted to go ahead with this project. Knowing it will have challenges while under construction, it needed to be done. This will have a big positive impact on our city once the bridge is completed. Growing pains are hard but in the end, yield big results.The recreation department also has growing pains with all the sports activities that our citizens love. The council voted to keep the property on Hollywood Blvd where the old field offices were torn down and expand these fields and add more opportunities for our residents.Pickleball courts is another success for the residents as the past council voted to add more Pickleball courts throughout the city. This is a very popular sport for those of all ages and the courts have been filled with players waiting.What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?The city has many large project in the pipeline and those need to come into fruition before any more large projects take place. The initiative that I will champion will be the Recreation Center expansion, Beautification code, Brooks Bridge, Round the Mound, The Landing renovations to name a few of the things that need to be finalized to move forward. One not so new to me is I will continue to advocate to add more sidewalks in our neighborhoods for a more walkable community and for our children to have a place to ride their bikes on. I asked for this 4 years ago and it started on a very small scale, still in progress but needs to be a higher priority for our residents. Seems small but this is a huge need for our residents.Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:Fort Walton Beach is a diverse community that is compiled of so many people from so many places. But despite that, it is a community that is friendly, caring, supportive, family oriented, patriotic, and filled with southern hospitality. That was displayed once again on how our community supported our latest fallen hero’s family after the death of another one of our local deputies. How can you not love this community? We pull together as a whole through good and bad; our community always finds a way to support each other and our surrounding communities.Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:This relationship is one where both parties need vision, direction, and action. The city manager is a leader, following the direction of the city council. Both need to work together to achieve the goals, plans, needs, and wants of the majority of citizens communicated to the city council members.How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?I feel that the direction of FWB is a positive one, but with that comes some challenges as well, such as challenges that will come with the Brooks Bridge replacement and the already congested road through downtown. But after the bridge completion and the potential Round the Mound, will come an amazing opportunity that city council will have with being able to turn downtown into a true entertainment district which will transform it completely and make this a true destination for everyone. Most important I feel that with this opportunity, we need to make sure we keep the family-oriented vibe as well as the desire to support and enjoy the many things down town has to offer.I would continue to support and promote the Round the Mound which is also an intricate part of making this happen. Not only for the new downtown, but this will also assist in less traffic congestion moving east and west through our great city and still encourage the downtown vibe that has been created.How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?I would describe this as an exciting opportunity to revitalize downtown. As I have mentioned in previous questions, I am excited with the many possibilities that are going to be presented to this upcoming council, and ones who will follow, on transforming our downtown. With the city already having completed the downtown master plan, this is going to be filled with possibilities, but also, I am very concerned about many of the unknown and unexpected challenges that will be created.What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?$56,767,451Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?When I served on council, we were able to balance the city’s budget and goals. Sometimes we had to change the goals or budget to meet that need. I believe the current leadership has met this challenge for the current budget cycle.Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.Yes, due to the fact that this as mentioned previously will provide options for new opportunities in the downtown area. I feel that this will be beneficial for the current businesses which will allow for wider sidewalks with outside café style eating, more outside displays for the Friday Art Walk, a more walkable down town to name a few. Also with the Around the Mound, there will only be 2 lanes of traffic going through down town as all other traffic will be moving through the new Around the Mound. This plan also allows for many more parking spaces for those who wish to make downtown their destination for an afternoon or evening of fun. These are just a few of the benefits of the Around the Mound plan.Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?Yes, provided that what they have planned for the property meets the land development code and remains a parcel within the city limits. No Annexation. Also, no possible further use for the city.How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?I believe the history of the city is very important. Here are a few ways to help preserve and promote that history: Form a historic group to research and nominate buildings for landmark designation and use social media and the chambers new Livability Okaloosa County magazine as forms of sharing its story. Host special events, these can include fundraising events, special exhibits, open houses. Pursue National Register listing or local historic designation.Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)Of all the many qualified candidates, I have had over 8 years of municipal service and training, as well as the desire and knowledge to continue the great progress laid down by past and present councilmen. I have shown I can gather information needed to make the best decisions for the city, popular
Candidate Name: Jared “BRYCE” Jeter
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
28 years
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
Email @ jbrycejeter@gmail.com
What is your current occupation or employer?
Real Estate, Builder, Construction, Flooring
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
My wife & Both Volunteer and serve at First United Methodist PreSchool, Elliott Point Elementary School, & we donate toward projects with the Fort Walton Beach parks & help the youth at multiple parks and team sponsorships through out our community.
Why are you running for this office?
I am running for FWB City Council to have a positive impact on our community! The next 5 to 10 years really shape our community going forward for the next 50 to 60 years. We need to work together and get it right! If my kids go to school there, I want to help make it better, If my kids go play sports there, I want to help make it better. I want my kids to love and enjoy this community as much as i do one day, so I should do my part and help make it better!
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
Enegry with Enthusiasm, Communication with the willingness to Compromise, Understand first then be Understood!
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
Safety, we've implemented new procedures, software, & apps to keep the community safer & more involved. We must continue to do that and try to get 1% better every day because should always be our #1 Priority!
Growth & Improvement, we have quite a few of really important projects in the pipeline and we must make sure we stay on top of those to get completed and continue to listen to our citizens about the what the future projects should be!
Infrastructure, we are an old city compared to many of our neighbors and we must start budgeting and working towards upgrading all of our infrastructure to keep up with our growth & improvement projects.What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
While I may have a long list of opinions and things I would like to hang my hat one, the reality is we have enough projects in the pipeline that we need to focus on and get completed we do not need to reinvent the wheel make a new list. I will champion the work of getting the troops rallied to complete the current initiatives and learn about the new ones and I go and see where and how they are needed!
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
Fort Walton Beach, wow! This awesome community that is the best place to live, in the best state to live and in the best country to live! We are blessed to live in such a great area that is surrounded by all the great bodies of water and some of the best military bases in the world! There is a reason that is was chosen to be developed first many years ago! It is a great small town with history, culture, authenticity, and the best days are still ahead with the future looking brighter than ever! What a great place to live, raise a family, work, and visit! The entire panhandle of Florida will continue to be a hot spot of growth for many years to come, but with okaloosa island having a development height restriction and fort walton beach trapped by water and military bases, we will be able to preserve our beautiful area from being over developed while at the same time being able to improve and properly develop our community as needed!
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
It is the heartbeat of our community, Council was elected at large to be the voice of the people and the manager is appointed by the council to make good decisions and be the leader for the community. The current relationship appears to be great and as the last meeting closed, most of the council spoke up and openly shared their thoughts on how well the communication has been and we are working together on the great things to come!
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
The current direction is UP. I am always a positive and forward thinking person. That is why we are all involved and we all care so much, because we all want to be a part of something good and great! We need to continue to move forward faster, but we must also be mindful of the lessons we've learned from the past and be fiscally responsible now so that we can afford to be better in the future. We can not afford to go backwards 10 years, we have too much momentum going forward, but we must also be mindful that we can not afford to double our budget over the next 10 years like we've almost done over the previous 10 years!
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
Simply put, UNBELIEVABLE! It would be incredible to see all of those renderings come to life!
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
Any other goals the city has should be funded from other sources outside of a fee or tax on our current customers, the citizens & taxpayers.Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
While no one yet knows the exact placement or detailed plan for ''around the mound'' I support the relocation of traffic and rerouting 98 away from our pedestrian friendly downtown area. There are many other modes of transportation and we must make access for them!Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
This would need to be answered on a case by case basis. One property does not fit all for a simple answer on this question.
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
Very important, History is what brought us all here and makes this area so special. We should all have a level of gratitude for the people, places, & things that came before us and do our part to pass things down the next generation just as well as they were passed down to us!
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
To represent YOU, US, & all the GOOD that FWB is now and will become! I will work with energy & enthusiasm, I will communicate & compromise, and treat every dollar like it's OURS, because most of it is!
Candidate Name: Nathan Kelley
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
24 wonderful yearsWhat is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
Call me (850) 461-8253
What is your current occupation or employer?
Public Works Director- City of Valparaiso
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
2019-2023 served on Legislative Policy Committee.
2019-2023 met with State Legislators in Tallahassee to secure funding for local projects.
Volunteered at One Hopeful Place to driver the bus during cold night shelter.
Served on the Homelessness and Housing Alliance Board of Directors.
Served on the Fair Board.
Member of the All Sports Association which raises money for local youth sports.
Member of the Krewe of Bowlegs to promote tourism in our area.Why are you running for this office?
We are at a crucial time in our community that will shape the future for another 100 years! I see the need for drastic improvements that are needed within our city and we need to push forward to make it happen. I feel that I have the tenacity to keep things moving.
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
#1- The ability to listen and learn, then make a decision. #2- I am passionate about my work. #3- I'm not worried about being popular.
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
Around the Mound! This is the key to moving the city forward. By building a strong core and expanding the downtown district, the results will spread city-wide.
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
There are several items that I will continue to fight for. #1- Code Enforcement (cleaning up our city!) #2- Ensure Police and Fire are properly funded. #3- Build trust/engagement with our community. #4- Encourage businesses to thrive.
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
Fort Walton Beach is a 1985 Chevy pickup that has been cared for but not restored. Something that I am proud of, but needs some work. Fort Walton Beach has some serious potential and we are on our way to becoming new again. A city on the rise!
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
The relationship is one that must be built on trust and communication. It is the job of the City Manager to collect the thoughts of 7 individual people and develop a plan that can be executed. City Council should offer clear direction (as a group) and allow them to do their job. The City Manager is essentially the CEO and City Council is the Board of Directors.
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
We are in a great spot for real change! With the construction of the Brooks Bridge approved and underway, bringing connectivity to Okaloosa Island and the Fort Walton, this is an absolute game changer. We also have Around the Mound in the pipeline, a 20+ year old idea that was nothing but a wish 3 years ago and now is has moved to #4 priority for FDOT. This will absolutely transform our downtown district by making it more walkable and simply a safer place to be.
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
Fantastic forward thinking.
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
Ad Valorem $8,949,362 (property taxes)
Other Taxes $8,008,291
Licenses and Permits $3,906,330
State Revenue Sharing $6,828,957
Recreation/Golf $3,338,327
Water/Sewer $11,709,116
Garbage Fees $4,577,644
Stormwater $1,034,767
Fines $64,863
Interest $2,335,474
Interfund Transfer $3,456,776
Reserves $2,557,542
TOTAL: $56,767,451Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
The current budget meets the needs of the city. We have lowered the millage rate from 5.7697 to 4.9999 in 4 years continuing to write grants and securing funding from the State Legislature are paramount in maintaining the tax rates low.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
Yes, the overall concept is fantastic. By shifting HWY 98 North it will expand the already crowded downtown while making it pedestrian friendly. The current Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study will help determine and next stage in the process.
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
If there is property owned by the city that has no future use by the city, yes, it should be sold. Knowing the future needs of the city is where it gets complicated.
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
Fort Walton Beach has a super cool story to tell! History is always important, both the good and the bad. I think that it's important to teach our kids not only about our history as a country but we should also localize it. There are several documentaries that showcase our area, showing them at the Landing (once completed) would be really neat!
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
Simply put... I love this place and want it to be a place that I want to live in for years to come.
Candidate Name: Kirby Locklear
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?36 years (1980-1985 & 1992-Present)What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?locklear_for_fwb@outlook.com // 850-217-6103What is your current occupation or employer?Engineer, CANVAS Inc. (co-located with 417th Flight Test Squadron)Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?I was elected into my current position in 2019 as Council Member for the City of Fort Walton Beach. So, I have been on the forefront moving the city forward. Active in the community, I use my leadership training and love for the area in a variety of volunteer efforts. My numerous volunteer activities include leader of the Thunderbird Honor Guard, Chairman of the Thunderbird Intertribal Council and American Red Cross Okaloosa Emergency Operations Center Coordinator. I am also a Sunday School teacher and serve on the Trinity United Methodist Church Finance Committee. Also, I continue to support disaster relief efforts with the United Methodist Committee on Relief.Why are you running for this office?Together over the last four years the City Council has ensured that Fort Walton Beach has the best public safety. We provided the resources needed by our Police & Fire Departments. We increased and improved recreational opportunities at The Landing and Ferry Park and also added Pickle Ball courts. Over the next four years, we will ensure our fire department remains a FWB Fire Department and continue to FUND OUR POLICE Department. We will complete the Landing renovations and fight for affordable housing! We have helped Fort Walton Beach thrive by encouraging new business growth and development at the Fort Walton Beach Commerce & Technology Park. These new businesses brought high paying jobs to our area. We annexed a major health care facility into the city limits. But the best is yet to come...the new Brooks Bridge is a game changer. We will champion the “Round the Mound” and push for a reinvigorated Downtown by funding the Downtown Master Plan. Proper infrastructure is fundamental. We completed many drainage and storm water runoff projects. New sidewalks were added...promises kept! Traffic on “98” and throughout neighborhoods remain a problem but as mentioned Brooks Bridge and Round the Mound, which are my top priorities, will help. I will also seek alternatives routes to ease congestion. Together there is so much more to be done! That is why I am running again!What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?EXPERIENCE: Forty-Nine years in the Military and Defense Industry Leadership SELFLESS SERVICE: Ability to put the needs of the whole above the needs of self TENACITY: Ability to take on projects and carry them on to completion…never give upList the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:Round the Mound - The future replacement of the Brooks Bridge connecting Okaloosa Island to Downtown Fort Walton Beach via Highway 98 offers a unique opportunity to affect the realignment of Highway 98 west of Brooks Bridge. Removing Highway 98 traffic that flows from Miracle Strip Parkway enables a pedestrian focused, retail-oriented “main street” environment with abundant entertainment and adequate parking.Downtown Master Plan - The realignment of Highway 98 and the subsequent renewal of Miracle Strip Parkway presents a wide range of community development opportunities and redevelopment scenarios.● Realign Florida Place to create a new entry into the Downtown core that provides development opportunities on the east and west sides of the road north of Miracle Strip Parkway.● Create new signalized intersections with Highway 98 at the newly realigned Florida Place and the west side of Miracle Strip Parkway.● Provide direct vehicular and pedestrian connectivity to the Fort Walton Beach Landing and lower Brooks Bridge.● Create additional surface or structure parking along the new Highway 98 realignment that is located behind new and existing development along Florida Place and Miracle Strip Parkway.● Provide pedestrian access to the Publix property east of the Downtown core and future redevelopment north of Highway 98 between Eglin Parkway and Harbeson Avenue on the west side of the Downtown core.● Increase pedestrian connectivity from Miracle Strip Parkway to the BayfrontLowering the millage rate: During my tenure the millage rates was lowered from 5.77 to 4.99 and still provided excellent servicesWhat new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?● Family: Not new but needs to be said…The basic requirement for any municipalities is provide a safe environment for citizens to prosper and raise families. Public safety, adequately funded by our citizens, is the very foundation of any city charter…without public safety, why have a city? FWB has some of the best recreational facilities and I will continue to improve and expand. But housing is critical and it must be affordable. Using State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) grants to provide funds as an incentive to create partnerships that produce and preserve affordable homeownership and multifamily housing.● Business: Today the Commerce and Technology Park (CTP) is a location primed for development and redevelopment as the region continues to grow. The locational advantages, the mix of existing tenants and the economic generators nearby make it a prime site for employers. Our CTP Master Plan provides the framework for the city to make strategic investments which repositions the CTP to be more attractive for private investment. Once large corporations settle into the Shoal River “Mega-Site” (Business Park) near Crestview, I want to position CTP to accept supporting businesses.● Infrastructure: In the near future, Fiber Optic Cable is coming to Fort Walton Beach. I will ensure businesses and citizens have access to these faster data pipelines. As more companies and individuals work from alternate locations the need for “faster data pipelines” is critical.Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:HOME! I can ramble for pages describing Fort Walton Beach …the beaches, the scenery, good schools, great military relationship, the FISHING; and as our citizens said that ''family is the nucleus of FWB'' in our recent Branding Initiative. BUT one word sums it up for me and that word is HOME.I was fortunate to have Fort Walton Beach as my first assignment in the USAF. My sons were born…HERE. My wife blended our families so that our four children went to school and graduated…HERE. They got married…HERE and raised families…HERE. So, now I have seven of my eight grandchildren near me... HERE. I even have a great granddaughter born…HERE! And I had the heartbreaking duty to bury friends and family…HERE. HERE is where my heart is and it is HERE that I call HOME.Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:Based on our form of municipal government, it is the City Manager who leads the staff that runs the city. It is the City Council responsibility to set direction for the City Manager and staff. In my personal view, I have a great relationship with the former City Manager and the current Acting City Manager. The reason is that we work as a team developing a strategic vision of where we want the city to be in 5 to 10 years. Then it is my job to pass the necessary ordinances and resolutions to achieve that joint vision.How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?Moving into the Future. The next 5 to 10 years will transform Fort Walton Beach from a “Speed Bump” on the way to Destin to a destination in its own right. The Books Bridge is already started and to make the transformation complete, we need “ROUND THE MOUND” to be approved, funded and implemented! The CTP is a gem with tremendous potential.Unity of purpose within the Council and Staff will ensure we keep moving into the future. When we stray from the strategic vision then we cease moving forward and become stagnant, which is what I felt FWB did starting in the 1980s. But there is renewed energy and a shared sense of purpose in downtown and uptown business owners. Our Chamber of Commerce is turning up the flame with the I LOVE FWB campaign and together we are Moving into the Future.How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?TRANSFORMATIVE. The City of Fort Walton Beach finds itself with a fortuitous opportunity to transform Downtown Fort Walton Beach into a retail and entertainment destination that offers residents and visitors a unique shopping, dining and family-centric entertainment experience. The Downtown Master Plan will tackle and solve issues such as existing and persistent transportation, parking access and pedestrian circulation issues. The predominant cause of these infrastructure issues are the current high levels of commuter throughput along US Highway 98 which bisects Downtown creating a disconnected environment unfriendly to destination retail, entertainment and high-density residential redevelopment.What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?The FY 2022-23 budget of $56,767,451 is $3.9M, or 7.39%, higher than the adopted FY2021-22 budget; the increase is primarily due to the inclusion of major Capital Improvement Projects in the General Fund, Enterprise Funds (Utilities & Stormwater) and the CRA Fund. The budget is predicated on lowering the millage rate to 4.9999 mills. This is the third year (out of four) that City Council has lowered the millage.Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?Yes…BUT! As part of the strategic vision, we need prioritization. Implementing Round the Mound, the new City Hall, Downtown & CTP Master Plans; and Preston Hood Athletic Complex expansion needs to be “Racked and Stacked” and time phased. Our Departments Heads do a good job in seeking grants and lobbying the State for additional funds but this effort needs to be increased.Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.Yes, I do. I believe my previous answer clearly states my whole hearted support for the Around the Mound and Downtown Master Plan.The only piece I am not sure about is the relocation of the FWB library. I am not against the idea but I need to know where it will be going and how much will it cost. I believe the city needs a centrally located library.Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?Yes…As mentioned, there are numerous projects to increase our quality of life in FWB; each takes funding. If the property is no longer needed and it has value, sell it.BUT… I reserve the right to approve the projects going on the excessed property list. And in certain cases, I reserve the right to sell the property at a fair market price if the buyer represents a greater good such as the property, we sold to the William Augustus Bowles Foundation and Stage Crafters. Both of these long standing organizations increases the quality of life for our citizens. The Billy Bowlegs tradition is so ingrained into our city’s identity that we even have a Pirate Ship on our Logo. It was a pleasure to vote in support of the Bowlegs Foundation property. Stage Crafters Community Theatre is celebrating their 51st Season! It is committed to showcasing engaging performances for the community as well as the performers. I am very proud the staff negotiated a favorable selling price and other benefits for the city with Stage Crafters. Also, we negotiated a favorable lease with the Montessori Learning Center. The parcel in front of the Emerald Coast Science Center on Memorial Parkway will become a well-integrated part of the city.How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?This question ties into the previous one about selling property to organizations that are ingrained into the historic fiber of our city. William Augustus Bowles Museum and Historical Foundation Inc. has sponsored the Billy Bowlegs Festival for the last 67 years and Stage Crafters for 51 years.But the jewel in our historical crown is the Heritage Park & Cultural Center which is located right in the center of Downtown! Heritage Park & Cultural Center includes the Indian Temple Mound Museum, Camp Walton Schoolhouse Museum, Garnier Post Office Museum, Fort Walton Temple Mound and the Civil War Exhibit Building. The Mound itself, built as a ceremonial and political center by the Mound Builder Culture, was built between 800-1400AD. As an American Indian, I am very proud of the fact that the city has preserved this heritage site.The Museum expansion is well under way and will be a top attraction in our Downtown Master Plan.Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)Proven On the Job Experience with a vision of a greater FWB. We are at a focal point; do we choose to continue to grow or do we stay stagnant. If you believe in the future, I am your candidate.
Candidate Name: MG Moran
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
since 1985
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
cell number 850-582-7687 or email moranmg@cox.net
What is your current occupation or employer?
construction with MG Moran Construction LLC
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
Within the last 2-5 years I have been involved mainly with the City. While serving on the Council I have served on the board of directors of the Library Co-op,, the board of directors for the Northwest Florida League of Cities, the Florida League of Cities Land use &Economic Development Legislative sub committee and the lobbying group for the city in Tallahassee, as well as serving my church as an Elder and being a Master Mason at Alpha Lodge.
Why are you running for this office?
I love this city. There is a lot of projects in the works that will transform this city and I want to see them completed. I care about the residents and want to make sure there is something for everyone in this city. I fully support our first responders and want to make sure they have all necessary equipment and are fully trained to respond to all emergencies our residents may have. I want to make sure the city is on a sound footing to respond to and recover from natural disasters. I believe service to others is an admiral trait and I quite simply want to serve.
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
First would be experience, I am completing my 6th year serving on the council, Second is a willingness to serve, being on council is not just going to meeting 2 times a month. Third, my 38 years experience in construction. I know what the average working people seek and want, safety, entertainment and opp0rtunity.
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
Around the mound has to top the list. This is going to be a game changer to the City. Another initiative I believe to be important to the city get overlooked, the ''community police initiative'', placing the same officer in an area to get to know the people and their problems and work to solve them. This program has lowered crime stats across the board.
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
I will work to enhance our commerce and technology park. the city has done some work there, but we need more to entice those corporate offices and R&D companies to call FWB home, bringing those high paying jobs our kids and grandkids are looking for. I will also push on infrastructure repairs. Parts of this city are over 80 years old, we want new attractive features and businesses but the stuff underground needs to function, That is why I have spent around 26 days per year traveling around the state, talking to legislators about our city and issues we are working on. This effort as well as other council members made it possible to bring over 11.5 million dollars to the city in grants for repairs. I will continue this effort.
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
Fort Walton Beach is home, how else can you describe it. It has a sense of family. We are not a main tourist destination and we have a strong sense of military pride and enjoy a slower pace of life.
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
The relationship between Council and the City Manager should be one of trust and respect and have a personal connection but mainly professional. The Council is not supposed to get involved in the day to day running of the city, they are not supposed to interact on a business level with the city employees, all communication should go thru the City Manager or City Clerk.
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
I believe FWB is on a great course. The area is being revitalized, the sports complex is a huge success and businesses are wanting to come here but cannot find buildings large enough. We cannot rest on our laurels, we must continue to strive for improvement or we will become one of those sleepy little towns people just drive thru, those towns you see across Florida that look ''tired'' and worn down. I never want FWB to be that.
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
I would describe the Downtown Master Plan as a must. The city has always had a vision of what downtown should be, but now we have it ''written down'' in a comprehensive plan. This makes it easier to make alterations downtown and have all improvements lead toward the same goal.
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
The budget is sufficient to fund the City's goals, but it does not cover those unexpected items, such as storm drain or sewer failure or water main failures, major equipment failures such as trucks and HVAC. These types of items would be covered by our reserves, but then the reserves need to be replaced. I do not believe a tax increase is necessary, but I do believe that ALL of the council members need to talk with our legislators and walk the halls of the capitol building expressing the needs of our city and why our funding request should be granted.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
Yes I do support the Around the Mound project, but the current form is always evolving. I believe this will make a destination place for our residents to go and enjoy the rest and entertainment this will provide. We all need somewhere to go and get away from work and home for a few hours.
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
Yes I am in favor of selling surplus land if the city has no future use for it. I believe the land serves the city as a whole, better on the tax roles. As for consistent with real estate values, that is tricky. Some property could be sold at a discount if the organization provide some other value to the city and its businesses, this would be a case by case issue.
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
I am a history nut, I feel the history should be preserved because it shows where we came from, what we overcame and what we can become. One idea I would love to explore with the Chamber of Commerce, the City Library and residents is to digitize as much of our history and stories as possible, before it is lost to time, disaster or death. Combining old maps, plats, surveys, photos, articles and so on as a searchable data base, or who knows what the future could do, maybe an interactive VR experience, but we cannot do any of it without the preservation of history. This is a project I have spoken to legislators and other cities about to get ideas.
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
You should vote for me because I have consistently shown a willingness to work for this city on a local, regional and state level. I do not believe it is a part time job, but a real calling/
Candidate Name: Larry Patrick
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
75 years
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
lbpatrick21@gmail.com or 850 467-8563
What is your current occupation or employer?
Insurance & Financial Services Representative, Real Estate Investor
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
I have served with the following organizations - Okaloosa County Planning Commission, Kiwanis Club, Grace Church, All Sports Association, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, and the FWB Watch Group.
Why are you running for this office?
It is my desire to help develop and implement the goals and plans of the Citizens of the City of Fort Walton Beach. I am keenly interested in being part of the leadership that guides this community into the near future and thru its upcoming infrastructure changes.
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
Successful, long term civic, business, and governmental experience. The ability to analyze situations and to provide solutions to the issues facing us. The ability to provide competent leadership for the benefit of the Citizens of Fort Walton Beach.
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
Redevelopment of Downtown Fort Walton Beach. Redesign of the traffic flow in conjunction with the new Brooks Bridge.
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
Reduce taxes and fees. Eliminate the Fire Assessment Fee. Place on the ballot the Charter Amendments proposed by the Citizens of Fort Walton Beach. Analyze all administrative policies and procedures and change them as needed to comply with state and local laws and to provide the best service possible to our citizens.
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
Fort Walton Beach has been able to maintain its small community feel for several decades. It is a close knit community that embraces a core set of conservative values and an excellent quality of life experience.
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
The City Council is the Governing Body of the City. The City Manager is the Administrator of the City and is chartered to implement the legislation and policies of the City Council The City Council has the resp0nsibility of overseeing the City Manager.
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
There is significant interest in the direction of Fort Walton Beach. It is extremely important that the interests of the citizens, property owners, investors, developers, and business owners be determined be determined and analyzed to maximize the direction to suit the stakeholders to the extent possible.
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
It is an excellent plan that will require frequent monitoring and updating to be sure that it implements its recommendations to the fullest extent.
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
The revenues and expenditures of the 2022/2023 budget are $56,767,451. It is also the document that provides the description of the planned revenues and expenditures with associated documentation.
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
The current budget is adequate to fund the City's goals. More work needs to be done to evaluate and plan for the City's costs involved with the major traffic redesign that is before us.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
I do support the Around the Mound project. I also support enhancing the traffic redesign by adding a corridor of traffic to Hollywood Blvd. to supplement the traffic flow thru Fort Walton Beach. Adding the Hollywood Blvd redesign will make better usage of Florida DOT funds. It will also provide a significantly longer range traffic and growth management solution.
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
It is very important. I would seek to analyze the current efforts aimed at preserving the history of Fort Walton Beach, and I would seek to fill in areas that would improve the preservation of the history.
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
My experience and competencies. I have 50 years in Insurance and Financial Services fulfilling customer needs; 24 years as an Okaloosa County Planning Commissioner, 21 consecutive years as Chairman; decades of civic and church leadership; former FWB City Councilman. Trustworthy listener.
Candidate Name: Debi Riley-Broadnax
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
10+ years
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
What is your current occupation or employer?
CARES Program Manager, Emerald Coast Children's Advocacy Center
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
I am a community organizer and team member of the redevelopment project in the Greater Sylvania Heights/Combs New Heights communities located in a underserved neighborhood in Okaloosa, Florida. I advocated for the Census Tract 219 redesignation, Brownfield designation, and Opportunity Zone designation providing funding for redevelopment and environmental studies to address the environmental injustices the community faces. I've advocated for land and green space preservation. I was involved in meetings with the City of Fort Walton Beach Parks and Recreation Director fighting for outdoor restrooms for the Kenwood Neighborhood Park (Outcome restrooms built). Instrumental in creating a drone team and providing STEM education (Hsu Educational Foundation) for the Greater Sylvania Heights/Combs New Heights under-privileged youth. I've written grants to refurbish flooring, replace outdated kitchen, playground equipment for Okaloosa Head Start (Nonprofit) located in the City of Fort Walton Beach for Early Childhood Education center. Instrumental in advocating for affordable housing through the Opportunity Zone funding for Shoreline Villas a 72 unit senior complex who recently open their doors. Organization Involvement include the following: Co-founder of the Burnette Harmon Wood Community Resource Center, Board of Directors Okaloosa County Elderly Services, Northwest Florida State College Early Childhood Advisory Committee, Board of Directors Early Learning Coalition, Florida Department of Health Okaloosa, Homelessness & Housing Alliance
Why are you running for this office?
I'm running for office because I love the City of FWB and I want to be a voice for the voiceless. I want to make a difference in the lives of the residence. I have worked diligently with low and moderate income families in Okaloosa County throughout my working career. I have seen first hand the challenges of families working hard everyday to take care of their families. These families all have common goals; living a quality life, stabilized housing, quality education for their children, health and welfare, and a safe community to live, work and play in.
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
Decision-making, Initiative Driven, Integrity
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
Revitalization of Downtown Fort Walton Beach, Round the Mound Project, Partnership w/ Hsu Educational Foundation
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
I would advocate for taking advantage of the Rebuild Florida Workforce Affordable Housing Construction program. I would encourage the city to become more involved with the State Community Partnership program through the Department of Economic Development. Division of Community Development.. This can be a great stimulate for economic growth within the city. I would promote partnerships and collaborative agreements with local businesses, small business development, and minority businesses.
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
A seaside community full of potential for growth management.
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
My view of the City Council and City Manager form of government should be a respectable and effective working relationship between the both. The elected council should set policy direction as they are the representatives of the city and the City Manager should possess professional expertise to manage the organization, carry out the council directions and day to day operations of the city, and have complete oversight of the various divisions of the city.
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
The city is moving in the right direction but need to focus more on the missed opportunities. I would redirect the focus on small business development to bring jobs and revenue to the city and invest in local vendors and local products. Implement technological policies for tax credits for more research and development.
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
Exciting, promising and full of potential for renewal, revitalization, redevelopment, and economic growth.
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
$57 million
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
No. I would focus on taking advantage of funding and incentive opportunities including job creation bonuses at the federal, state, and local level through Brownfields Program.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
Yes. I believe rerouting the traffic and investing in downtown will enhance accessibility to supporting the local businesses and bring more economic support..
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
Yes, if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values.
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
I think its important to preserve the history of our community. Historical preservation give you a sense of community belonging, a clear picture of its culture, and past and future generational ties that benefit older and younger people. I would promote tax incentives at the local, state, and federal level for implementing a program to preserve historical buildings and properties through grants, donations, and/or endowments.
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
I'm invested in tackling issues that affect our residents, communities, and city. I have worked in the local community for more than 20+ years on quality of life issues for families (elderly services, youth initiatives, environmental justices), economic development, & workforce affordable housing.
Candidate Name: Gareth Stearns
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
25 years total
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
Phone: 850-374-2110 Email: garethstearns@gmail.com or via Facebook
What is your current occupation or employer?
Automotive Sales (Lee Nissan)
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
I am a Past President and Founding Member of the Choctawhatchee Style Marchers Alumni Association (CSMAA), a non-profit 501c3 set up to archive and preserve the history of the band while also raising funds for the current program. I’ve also built and created an archive of artifacts, memorabilia, and various forms of vintage Media related to the history of Fort Walton Beach that is easily accessible through Facebook, is extremely informative, and is addictively fun! With the Northwest Florida Daily News clearing its newsroom of local reporters, ''Fort Walton Beach: What We Did'' has essentially become one of the most effective means of sharing important breaking local news to the community. We just celebrated our 14th birthday. Here are some comments from that day: “Thank you for helping to share such great memories and history of our community!” (Sharon Wilson) “Appreciate all you have done bringing back memories of the good ole days for our area.” (Eileen Wooster) “Absolutely love this group and your dedication to showing everyone how it was!!” (Fred Nelson) “I appreciate all you’ve done to help me feel connected and remind me where I’m from. You’ve brought smiles to me on so many occasions. We are so lucky to have you.” (Shalimar Verini-Barker). There is no bigger cheerleader for this City than myself. I firmly believe that and I believe many others do as well.
Why are you running for this office?
Allow me to begin with “I LOVE THIS TOWN!” Now let me tell you why: Fort Walton Beach is a unique city with an interesting history that I’ve been an ardent student of for the past fifteen years. I grew up here, matriculated through three different schools here, moved away after college and missed it so much that I started a Facebook group in 2009 just to reminisce about being here, and in 2019 I made the decision to move back here:
Home to Fort Walton Beach. There is something about this City that keeps me married to it. Yes I enjoy its history. Yes I enjoy its charm. And yes, in a weird way, I even enjoy its scars. But it’s the PEOPLE here who I enjoy the most. Fort Waltonites are just different. I see it every day. I immerse myself in the experience and joy of it. I see it on social media and I feel it in real life. I love it. And I believe I am good at making others feel and see it too. My campaign signs all have the phrase “I LOVE THIS TOWN!” printed on them. That isn’t just some throwaway phrase for me. Folks who know me know that I mean it with every fiber of my being, and I promise to do right by the citizens and business owners of this City if elected on March 14th.What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
I am a voracious learner and effective communicator with the ability to analyze situations from multiple perspectives in order to come up with the best solution for all parties. I am a former high school social studies teacher at a Title 1 School, so I am quite familiar with working in and through complicated situations with multiple shifting (and sometimes unpredictable) variables. I continue putting these life skills to work whenever I help folks buy their next vehicle at Lee Nissan, and I also put it to work onstage when I am singing with my band at venues around town. I have been a known leader, provider of news and current events, and community organizer within this city for close to fifteen years. I have been asked to give historical lectures on our area by the Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida. I have been asked personally by the Mayor to give a speaking presentation on local history at the 75th Anniversary of the Town of Shalimar last year. I have been asked to be a community liaison for the Krewe of Bowlegs this year, the goal being to help take the Festival back closer to its historical roots. I have been asked to be a judge for the Miss Choctawhatchee High School Pageant this year, and I have also received the honor of having been inducted into the Choctawhatchee High School Hall of Fame under the category of “Continued Acts of Service to the School & Community since Graduation.”
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
1. The City has done an excellent job in making the park at the Landing an accessible, fun, and safe place for families to experience throughout the year. The variety of craft fairs, festivals, and other events held at the Landing bring about new opportunities for the vibrant food truck scene that has blossomed in our town over the last five years. The Concerts at the Landing are a great opportunity for local musicians to share their art with the community. The success of those events would not be possible without incredible teamwork from our Fort Walton Beach Police Department, Fire Department, and first responders.
2. The knowledge that the Brooks Bridge MUST be replaced due to its age presents a unique opportunity for the City of Fort Walton Beach to re-imagine its downtown as one that is accessible, family friendly, full of entertainment options, and ultimately not just a pass-through for travelers on their way to other towns along Highway 98. The eventual implementation of the Downtown Master Plan in conjunction with the construction of the new Brooks Bridge is definitely something I am looking forward to for the City and its citizens.
3. The future of Hollywood Blvd is looking a lot better now that multiple city departments were consolidated into one building located closer to Beal Parkway. Making the most efficient use of the land where the old buildings stood along Hollywood Blvd should be a key focus for Council and citizens during the next term.
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
Whether visitors are simply passing through, or whether they decide to stick around long enough to truly experience what our town has to offer, my goal is to have them heading back home carrying more positive impressions and memories about Fort Walton Beach than negative ones. I want their first impression of our downtown to be one of beauty and purpose. I want the Downtown District to become instantly recognizable for its abundant lighting, comfy aesthetic, ample parking, selection of entertaining things to do, and the knowledge that it is a safe place for people of all ages to experience.
You are probably tired of political campaigns by now. I get that and I’m with you. If it were up to me our municipal elections would be held in November when voter turnout is at its highest. Only 16.68% of eligible voters turned out for the last municipal election in March 2021, whereas 56.36% turned out this past November. We lose precious voices and voters when we fall off the electoral calendar, and for that reason I believe that our municipal elections should be moved to November moving forward.
I believe in there being actual term limits for our elected officials. As it currently stands, an elected official may serve two consecutive four year terms and then take two years off before potentially serving for another eight years. Being able to serve sixteen out of eighteen years is not what I consider to be a proper implementation of term limits.
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
Fort Walton Beach is a wonderfully unique town full of reputable schools, incredible first responders, and a citizenry that loves and appreciates it for a myriad of reasons. There are an abundance of places to dine and fun activities to experience, there are many different houses of worship from which to choose, and of course the beauty of our area beaches and waters are simply unmatched. I believe that with the appropriate planning and execution, and by having a Council that is a wise steward of the taxes collected from its citizens and businesses, Fort Walton Beach is a city that still has its best years ahead of it.
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
It should be a symbiotic relationship. Council depends upon the City Manager to professionally oversee all departments of the city. The City Manager shall defer to Council on all actionable items requiring a majority vote.
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
I believe that more folks than not tend to have something negative to say about our town before espousing the opposite. Those initial negatives are usually tied to traffic and blight. Until the completion of the new Brooks Bridge and the rerouting of highway 98 away from Downtown Fort Walton Beach, traffic congestion will likely continue to be a problem in our area for the next several years. In the meantime, why not give these stuck commuters a beautiful downtown to gaze upon; one with well-planned walking paths that pass underneath well-lit live oak trees that can be seen from a restaurant or retail establishment that also takes pride in the façade and entryway of its own building simply because those proprietors see how well the City is doing in beautifying itself and WANT to be a part of it.
The City needs a cheerleader that can work in conjunction with the Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce, perhaps even one with a presence on social media, to hype and help lift up the value of the unique products and services that our area merchants and business owners provide to the community. These merchants specialize in their field and have chosen to do business here for very specific reasons and I am grateful for that. They’ll rest easy in knowing that in my limited role as one of seven elected Councilman, I will always gravitate toward having the City stay out of their way as they pursue their American Dream.
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
For years, the City of Fort Walton Beach has been wrestling with the question of how can the city best reroute traffic on US 98 away from the Downtown Business District. These efforts are being done to maximize the value of our waterfront, to ensure the creation an appealing green space for pedestrians, and to provide ample parking for city events and future retail and dining establishments.
The Master Plan was professionally developed and presented to the City and concerned groups in 2019. Delays in the past have centered on state plans to replace the Brooks Bridge. Now that the construction of the new bridge has been approved by the state and the multi-year project has begun, the next step is the rerouting of US 98 away from the core of Downtown in order to allow for the development of a safe and appealing parking and walking-type plan. This has been addressed by an “Around the Mound” traffic flow study. The City has budgeted $1 million to be matched by the FDOT, and together they are proposing a workable development plan that would bypass the Downtown core while still providing smooth access to the new Brooks Bridge.
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
The approved budget for the City of Fort Walton Beach for the fiscal year 2022-23 is $56,767,451.
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
The 2022-23 budget is sufficient to meet the city’s goals. The increase in ad valorem taxes for this year is projected as a 7.97% increase over the 2021-22 tax year. This represents a 2.9% increase in revenue offset by a 2.9% increase in expenditures.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
I am a supporter of the Around the Mound project.
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
Yes I am in favor of selling off surplus City owned land if the price is right.
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
I am told by many locals that they already associate me as being an unofficial town historian for the City of Fort Walton Beach. One of my biggest passions is conducting research on the history of our city. I do it for fun and I do it thoroughly. I share the results of my research daily within the Facebook group “Fort Walton Beach: What We Did” (a community of more than 26,000 active members) and have done so for fourteen years.
Our town has truly rich and unique stories baked into its history. The tales of how we got to where we are today need to be preserved, analyzed, archived, and made readily available to every citizen. Central to this plan will be to digitize the microfilm collection currently being stored within a filing cabinet inside the Fort Walton Beach Public Library. There are more than 100 reels of microfilm that can currently only be accessed through the use of an antiquated microfiche machine that is itself in desperate need of repair, and there are no online newspaper databases that contain the locally historic data found on these reels. If there were a fire, that priceless historic data would all sadly be lost to history.
Our children deserve to learn about our City’s history by having access to the most accurate and historically-sourced information we could possibly provide to them. The City of Fort Walton Beach MUST act to preserve this priceless local history before it is too late.
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
I promise to focus on RESPONSIBLE growth and development. The ultimate goal is to increase a tax base that will be able to keep up with the unique needs of the City without overburdening its local businesses and residents.
Candidate Name: T Payne Walker
How long have you lived in Fort Walton Beach?
8 years
What is the best way for interested voters to contact you?
850-621-6756 cell/text
What is your current occupation or employer?
Self Employed Real Estate Broker/Owner
Within the last 2-5 years what have you done personally to make a difference in our community? What organizations are you involved with?
I own a business downtown that employees local residents, I have been a member of an all volunteer organization- All Sports Association since 2009 raising and awarding over $150,000 year to local youth athletic causes/groups. Youth Athletics is an incredibly valuable experience for our future leaders. I started and continue to be the administrator of a Facebook group- FWB Watch Group that has grown to near 1200 members in the nearly 3 years since it began. It has brought education and awareness to many issues as they relate to the Fort Walton Beach City Government. I was a candidate for City Council in 2021.
Why are you running for this office?
To change how our city government operates and represents those they were elected to represent. In the last four years I've been watching city government closely I have been greatly saddened by what I have witnessed and how far it seems our local government has moved from its intent.
What are three qualities that you possess that make you a strong leader?
Passion, Empathy and Courage
List the top initiatives that the City of Fort Walton Beach has put forward in the last 3-5 years that you consider the most beneficial to the City's success in the future:
I believe that a well managed and highly publicized ''around the mound'' initiative can be beneficial. It has been anything but that thus far. I've seen no initiatives that lower the expense of government on taxpayers. I've seen no positive results from any government initiatives aimed at increasing population or attracting new business growth.
What new initiatives will YOU champion if elected?
Returning power to the citizens initially by making a motion to rescind Ordinance 2015-13 which effectively consolidated power in the City Manager and took it from our elected representatives. I'll cover that issue in more detail by video in the coming weeks. I'll work diligently to reduce the cost of city government on taxpayers while insuring we receive the same or greater level of service. I believe with concerted effort taxpayers can save $15+ million dollars per year and maintain and increase levels of service. These initiatives will be resisted by insiders who have and will continue to benefit by business as usual at taxpayer expense. I'll work to see City Council meetings encourage public participation with actual dialogue between our representatives and citizens that appear before us with questions. For too long we have been deprived of public discussion. I''m interested in initiatives to increase trash pick-ups to two times per week vs the one we get. I'm interested in increasing public safety by way of consolidation efforts (Consolidation- The action or process of combining a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole. Making something stronger and more solid'')
Using your own words, describe Fort Walton Beach:
Our little piece of paradise that people have been attracted to from prior to the formation of our city/county up to today. The natural beauty and attraction is undeniable. A piece of paradise that could be under threat by those who'd like to see more and more hotels or high rises downtown. Around the mound, if not adequately addressed could become just that way. Recent CRA meetings indicated there's a move to increase density downtown and increased height requirements. Population has been negative for at least 33 years, businesses are not moving into the city limits, some actually move out and or avoid it due to the increase costs of the city government. Negative population growth over 33 years while the city budget has increased from $32+ million to $58+ million in the previous 10 years is a recipe for trouble for taxpayers. Personally I believe the current powers that be at city hall have been led to believe increasing density and bringing in hotels/high rises downtown is the next big way to increase their budget. Home prices in city limits and small buildings downtown can only increase in taxable value so much. Hotels and high rises would be a boon for the city coffers/budget.
Describe your view on the relationship between the City Council and the City Manager:
Ordinance 2015-13 Turned our representative government upside down. It removed the power process from our representatives and consolidated power to the city manager. If elected my first motion will be to rescind Ordinance 2015-13
How would you describe the current direction of Fort Walton Beach? What would you do to enhance or change that direction?
We are a highly desirable location for countless reasons. The direction of city government growth is detrimental to the cost of living and the cost of business. We need less government, not more.
How would you describe the City's Downtown Master Plan?
Visionary, very expensive with little/no specific details as to how it would be paid for.
What is the City's 2022/2023 budget?
$58+ million
Is the budget sufficient to fund the City's goals? If not, what ideas do you have to secure the funds needed?
More than enough. I'd work diligently to reduce the cost of government to taxpayers while maintaining or improving levels of services to citizens.
Do you support the Around the Mound project in its current form as part of the overall downtown redevelopment plan? Please explain your answer.
I love the idea of diverting traffic north around downtown. The current form as I understand it from the documents I've seen I do not fully support all of it's components. The 2017 estimates of $160-$170 million dollars to include significant government acquisition of land South of the new roadway that have not been updated is a concern. I haven't seen details of the funding sources to pay for the estimated costs, updated or not. I can only imagine $160 million in 2017 would be well over $250 million today.
Are you in favor of selling surplus City owned land to the public if the selling price is consistent with local real estate values?
I am in favor of following the policies and procedures in place to address selling surplus property. I witnessed city council vote to give a party club $160,000 of taxpayer dollars for a building the club wanted. Sadly it was given to them the same month the now resigned city manager had just been accepted into. Shameful but they did it anyway will pats on the back to themselves for spending our money so freely! More to follow by video
How important do you feel it is to preserve the history of our community? If important, what ideas do you have to promote historical preservation?
It's very important! Good times, bad times, hard times, challenging times will all be a part of our history. How our leaders lead during all of those period is what matters most. The history I'm most focused on is how our representatives respond to and treat those they were elected to represent. As a representative I promise to be a good steward of their money and will heed their wishes, even if it's not what I'd like to see personally.
Why should voters choose you? (40 Words or Less)
My passion for the city we all love, my courage to speak out against an out of control city government that has been down right disrespectful to citizens especially those 1400+ citizens who signed petition in an effort to make them listen to the will of the people.
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