• TravelingSession.com

    • Tourism Resources
    913 Beal Pkwy NW
    Suite A-202
    Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
    (850) 696-6847
    • About

      Looking for new places to travel?
      Tired of cookie-cutter travel ideas?
      Join our community, and let's create travel stories that match your travel style.

      Travel is on the rise, but there's a problem. You can see it on social media. Everyone's going to the same places, doing the same things. It's all cookie-cutter travel ideas and generic experiences.

      Forget chasing the latest hot spots everyone flocks to. TravelingSession.com personalizes the experience, matching you with destinations that resonate with your unique travel style, interests, and past adventures. We help you connect with fellow adventurers who share your passions.

      "Travel should be about the traveler, not the destination.

    • Whom to Contact

      • Tony Jefferson
        Founder of TravelingSession.com