• CALM Furniture Resale Store Open 9am -1pm, every Saturday of the month

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    Name: CALM Furniture Resale Store Open 9am -1pm, every Saturday of the month
    Date: March 22, 2025
    Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
    Open the 2nd and last Saturday of the month
    Event Description:
    Crisis Aid for Littles and Moms (CALM) a non-profit furniture resale store now opens every Saturday of the month. Proceeds support our mission to single moms and also provide an affordable furniture resale source for the community. To DONATE your gently used furniture and small appliances, call/text 850.461.5315. NO drop-off without appointment.  201 Redwood Ave, Niceville FL. www.nicevillecalm.com.

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