• Neuter Your Ex

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    Name: Neuter Your Ex
    Date: January 9, 2025 - February 15, 2025
    Event Description:
    Nip those toxic memories in the … this Valentine’s Day, while spreading love to feral cats!
    For $50, we’ll name a feline after your ex, then neuter or spay it.
    You’ll receive a picture of the cat to relish.
    Just click the donate button, select the "HONOR" box, then type your ex's name.
    Only first names or nicknames, please.
    Cats will be released back to their colony as part of our TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) program.
    TNR breaks the breeding cycle, stopping thousands of unwanted kittens from being born into a life of suffering. TNR also reduces breeding behaviors, such as hair-raising screeching, fighting and spraying.
    So go ahead, claw back for a good cause!
    Spread the love here:
    Date/Time Information:
    Now through Feb. 14
    Contact Information:
    Lorraine Whetstone
    $50 per name
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.