• Counseling

    Results Found: 5 View On Map new search
    Non-profit, Nonprofit, Non Profit Private School, Autism, Mental Health
    124 E. Miracle Strip Pkwy
    Suite 503
    Mary Esther, FL 32569
    Our therapists offer both in-person and online sessions. We specialize in Psychological trauma, Addiction Recovery, and other mental health concerns. From the moment you walk in, we provide a peaceful environment and support you need to take the journey in healing and regain control of your life.
    1992 Lewis Turner Blvd
    Suite 1057
    Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
    Mission:  To eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. 
    1000 Bay Drive
    Niceville, FL 32578
    Personalized therapy for adults with depression, anxiety, and trauma. In-person sessions in Shalimar, FL. Telehealth throughout Florida and New Hampshire.
    1271 Eglin Parkway
    Shalimar, Florida 32579
    Lakeview Center | FamiliesFirst Network | Global Connections to Employment
    Behavioral health, child welfare and employment services for people with disabilities