4081 East Olive Road
Pensacola, Florida 32514
(850) 332-7976
(800) 342-5557
M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
RideOn promotes sustainable transportation with free, customized recommendations available online or thru the RideOn app. A confidential profile will present an array of earth-friendly, money saving options like carpools, vanpools, public transit, biking, and walking. Participants who log ''green'' commutes at least 3 days per week qualify for the FREE Emergency Ride Home Program. Visit www.RideOnTogether.org for details.
RideOn is available to commuters who live OR work OR attend university in our 16-county service area in North Florida.
For more information about RideOn, contact: Jason at 1-800-342-5557 or (850) 332-7976, ext. 224